Home Care Digital

Tune in every week for "Home Care Digital" for FREE educational content from Nick and other leading experts in the industry on how to grow and scale your home care business. 

How To Make Social Media Easy Nov 08, 2020

On today's episode of Digital Champions, I'm talking about how to make social media easier. Well, this is simple. If you want to make your social media easier you have to create systems, you have to c...

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E38. NFL Athlete To Parentpreneur with Nick Murphy Nov 08, 2020

Nick Murphy

Nick is a StoryBrand Certified Guide and a HubSpot Certified Inbound Marketer. He’s also a former NFL player, father of five and published author of Unboxed: An Unfiltered Guide to Cr...

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The Best Tool For Social Media Nov 03, 2020

By far, hands down, this is the best tool for all your digital marketing needs! You will be blown away by how much it can do and how easy it can be! Check it out!

Canva - www.canva.com

It's amazin...

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E37. Time is Money With Elizabeth Henson Nov 03, 2020

 Elizabeth Henson

Elizabeth helps creative dreamers who want to become industry leaders build powerful communities around their brand so that they become the go-to expert in their field. Unlike m...

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How To Increase Video Views Oct 28, 2020

On today's episode of "Digital Champions," I'm talking about how to increase video views.

Ah, increasing video views, something we all want. However, I often see a big mistake that many entrepreneu...

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E36. Income And Impact With Jen Gitomer Oct 28, 2020

Jen Gitomer

Jen Gitomer is the Author of the best-selling book, Sales in a New York Minute.


She helps entrepreneurs increase their revenue and profit through her proven sales strategies. Afte...

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E35. The Road To Curiosity With Jay Owen Oct 22, 2020

Jay Owen

Jay Owen is the CEO of Design Extensions, a digital agency that helps others grow their businesses.


Jay believes every business owner deserves to grow their business and have the fre...

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How To Create Videos That Sell Oct 22, 2020

On today's episode of "Digital Champions", I'm talking about how to create videos that sell.


Ah, that word selling, I know. I often talk about how you shouldn't be selling on video. And, guess w...

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What Camera Should You Use For Your Videos? Oct 22, 2020

On today's episode of Digital Champions, I'm talking about what camera should you use.


Well, the first option is a DSLR camera, more of the fancy type I know, and it can be expensive. Generally,...

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E34. Micro And Macro Motivation With Kilian Markert Oct 04, 2020

Kilian Markert

Kilian is a Consistent Performance Mentor, helping busy, ambitious business owners keep their energy, health, and productivity high while facing business and personal challenges.

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E33. Ridiculous Goals And How To Get There With Dominique Anders Sep 16, 2020

Dominique Anders

Dominique Anders is former TV Producer turned Speaker and Business Coach helping creative professionals and online entrepreneurs GSD (get shit done). With over a decade of experi...
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How To Work Smarter Not Harder Sep 15, 2020

On today's episode of Digital Champions, I'm talking about how to work smarter, not harder. 

Click Here To Watch Free Training: Your Video Lead Machine


Isn't this something we all want? Working...

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