The #1 Fundamental Principle To Grow Your Home Care Business: Part 1 With The Home Care Guyz
Jun 24, 2022
What do you do to go through to help home health care providers actually thrive in this digital age?
As you know, the world is changing, and having your foot in the digital world is crucial is not a nice to have anymore. It's absolutely essential. If COVID taught us anything, it became even more relevant to have a strong digital presence.
Business, every business that exists that's out there, the key fundamental piece is about building relationships.
It doesn't matter what business you're in, whether you're an accountant, you work at a bank - it's all business relationships. That fact had stood the test of time and will continue to play a huge role in business.
When it comes to social media and really helping my clients it is about how are we leveraging that to create more powerful connections to get people to know who we are so they can know us, like us and trust us, because at the end of the day, that's who we want to do business with.
You want to do business with people that you know.
"I like this person, I want to work with them."
I help my clients to get out of their shell a little bit, especially when it comes to video. People are very hesitant to getting on camera, but it also has the greatest benefits. Taking that time to push them a little bit as well as give them the strategy behind it.
It's not just about posting, but really having a digital marketing strategy around it. I saw this quote the other day and it said "Reels is not a strategy. It's just a feature on Instagram." The quote applies to social media in general. It's just a tool. You still have to have a strategy to back it up. That's what I really help my clients to do to implement it so they can get results.
Conclusion from Faris
I think what you said was definitely having the two because I think about it like a toolbox.
We can have all the tools in the toolbox, but don't know how to use the hammer, know how to use a screwdriver then it's just a tool. It has the potential of doing something great. Just like the internet, just like social media has the potential to do something great.
When you put those tools in the right hand of a skilled person, now you can go through and build something amazing. That's one thing, Nick, I look at you as a skilled person and what you're doing is training healthcare providers to go through and actually pick up the tools.
Don't be afraid of the tools.
Don't be afraid of the cameras.
Don't be afraid of the having the conversation.
But to pick up the tools and put them to work, man. I just want to go through and say, man, that's amazing.
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