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Home Care Stats You Need To Know Part 3: Retention

Aug 24, 2022

The Finale... RETENTION!

We conclude this 3 part series of Home Care Stats Your Need To Know and this is the most important one! The truth is that recruitment is a waste of time if you can't retain them. Let's dive in!

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Welcome to Part 3 of the series, “Home Care Stats You Need to Know”. We’ve already discussed Part 1: Marketing and Part 2: Recruitment.

So, you spend all this effort trying to recruit caregivers, but what about retention?

As we all know, retention is a critical and essential factor in the home care industry.

That is why, on today's episode of Home Care Digital, we're going to dive into some more Home Care Benchmarking Studies. This is an incredible report with so many amazing stats.

For today’s blog, it’s all about understanding retention, which plays a huge part in everything that we're doing.

If we're just recruiting people and then they leave, we're definitely missing a huge boat.


Top Caregiver Recruitment Sources for 2021 - Caregiver Turnover.

  1. Internet - Indeed (84.5%)
  2. Internet - mycnajobs (77.4%)
  3. Internet - Social Media (60.2%)
  4. Current Employees (31.6%)
  5. Word of Mouth (23.4%)


All the data above will help us in understanding the caregiver turnover.

This is a big aspect, right?

In the previous episodes, I talked about how Indeed was the best referral source for caregivers. However, it also has the highest turnover rate.

As the stats show, Indeed shows a turnover of 84.5%. That's not good, right?

So that means that even though we're getting more caregivers from Indeed, that doesn't make it the best referral source.

Yes, statistically it may be getting you the most hires. But if it's not retaining them, then that's a problem.

The same goes with mycnajobs, 77% and social media, 60%. On the other hand, current employees and word of mouth comprise 31.6% and 23.4% respectively.

So in understanding that Indeed has a higher turnover rate, we want to make sure that we're focusing on current employees, word of mouth, right?

This is because they have the lowest retention or turnover rate,

That means, these are where we want to be spending a lot of our time.

As you can see, Current Employees is also a good referral source.

So current employees are going to be your best medium for not only recruiting but also retaining.


3 Things You Can Do to Increase Retention

Here are the top things you can do to increase retention when:

1. Get them invested: Share your Why. 

When you're attracting and you're looking to recruit more people, you have to share your why.

Share your story.

As Simon Sinek says, ““People don’t buy what you do but why you do it.”

That's what we're doing. We're selling to caregivers. Sharing your why is essential.

It's going to help you to not only recruit caregivers, but also that they want to stick around because they believe in your mission.

They believe in what your goals are.

They believe in what you're trying to do.

They believe in your values.

They believe in everything that you're looking to accomplish with your business in a bigger


But if you don't have a vision and you don't have a goal, then you can't get people to be invested in your long-term vision and goals.

  • Share your mission.

It’s important to think that in the process of people coming in and joining your team, you are also sharing your mission.

It is a significant factor that you should include in the process when they are applying. We want to share with them all things relevant to your mission.

A lot of times we think of these things as like retention techniques only. However, they're also related to recruitment.They correlate with what we're doing from a recruitment standpoint and what we're doing from our retention standpoint.

  • Are your caregivers passionate about the same goal that you're looking to achieve?

You know that the best caregivers are ones that really care. But how will they prove that?  Do they just feel they are another cog in the machine?

Or do they feel that they're part of a bigger mission, part of a bigger goal within your organization?

You have that opportunity to achieve that goal. But it starts with you as the owner - to be that light to showcase what your mission is and what goals you're trying to achieve.

That's going to be an amazing differentiator.

Get your caregivers and your team invested behind you so that they want to scream at the rooftops,

“Hey, I love this company!”

“They're the best company!”

“They have a great vision, great goals, and I'm grateful to be a part of it.”

And they want to stick around because of that reason.


2. Lean into appreciation.

I love the idea of writing personal thank you cards. This is such an amazing tool as a retention technique.

But how about sending video messages to your care team? 

When you're sending a video message to a caregiver, showing them how much you appreciate them, that's going to help them stay or stick around.

Because “people don't remember what you said, they remember how you made them feel.”

That's an amazing quote from Michael Angelo.

You can put a couple of extra money in their paycheck, but hey, they’ll forget about it next week, right?

But if you're doing things that really go above and beyond to showcase appreciation, they're going to remember that feeling forever.

They're going to remember how you made them feel.

It’s important to take the time to do amazing things like sending video messages.

  • Showcase them on social media.

Social media is critical when it comes to this industry. We can use it to give our caregivers public recognition for what they’re doing. You can announce an “Employee of the Month” or any other awards to appreciate their hard work and great performance.

It always brings an amazing feeling when you showcase them for a particular thing that they did.

And when you post their recognition on social media, they're more likely to share it and then their audience sees it.

Your current employees are your best referral sources for both caregivers and for clients.

So, showcasing them on social media presents an opportunity for them to share what you're posting. You can share your mission with the help of your caregivers.


3. Focus on them.

Jim Rohn says, “If you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything that you want.”

This is absolutely right, isn’t it?

So what are their goals?

What are the goals that caregivers want to achieve?

How are you helping them to achieve their goals?

Because often we wonder what your goals are for the next couple of years in the interview.

But if you're not following up and you're not actually helping them achieve their goals, then what's the point?

You need to strive on focusing and helping them accomplish their goals.

They're going to want to continue working with you because you've done more than just putting money on their table, right?

It means more than putting food on their table.

Instead, you've actually helped them to achieve bigger goals that they have for their life.

That is an impact that can't be measured.


If you like this video and you want to learn more about how you can attract clients, referral sources and caregivers, you have to attend my upcoming Workshop.

Head up to thedigitalchamps.com/workshop to learn more.


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