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Get Better Results Online: Home Care Heroes Podcast With Ankota Part 2

Jun 02, 2022

You could be losing business and not even know it. Is your website and social filled with stock photos?

That is a problem! Here is a quick an easy way to get better results from your website...


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Featured: Home Care Heroes Podcast With Ken Accardi, CEO of Ankota


What should agencies share on social to differentiate themselves?



Start With Why

Read the book "Start with Why" by Simon Sinek! I talk about it all the time because I think it's such a powerful book in really understanding that that people. 

In the book he says "people don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it."

People do business with who they know, they like and they trust. They want to get behind brands. Your community and audience want to get behind a "why" and this is a powerful tool for caregiver recruitment and retention as well!

What Is Your Why?

I joined the home care industry in 2014 and I have had the privilege of hearing so many stories and one thing became so clear.  Every single owner shared a very unique story of why they got into home care. So that's always the first video that I recommend that people create and putting it front and center on your website. It is a video that can continue to produce results for you month after month and year after year. 

1. Its Personal

It's going to help for you to connect with your audience on a personal level by sharing that story. People do business with who they know, they like and they trust. Sharing your why is giving people a deeper look into who you are and why you do what you do. 

2. Video Is The Best Medium

Video grabs attention! Attention increases exposure. Increase in exposure leads to higher brand awareness which leads to more partnerships, business and caregivers. 

3. Conversions

Video converts better than any other medium. What does that mean? When people watch your videos they are more likely to take action which means more phone calls and applicants. 

4. Builds Trust

Home care is personal and trust is essential. Your audience and prospective employees want to know that you are an organization they can trust. This isn't just some stock video or some super professional video. To be clear, I am not apposed to a high end video, but I know it can cost over 5k for a 90 sec video. The point is that it doesn't need to be so fancy to be effective. It's about being real because that's what people want in today's world. Real increases transparency which increase trust. It's real. It's raw. It's real people.

5. P To P

Its not business to business (B to B) or Business to Consumer (B to C) - it is People To People!

People do business with people. Showcasing yourself as the owner sharing a personal story is going to be your best marketing tool to attract clients, referral sources, and caregivers. 

Improving Your Website

The same thing applies for your website. It is time to rethink your website!

Are you incorporating real photos of real clients? Of you? Of your team?

Next Steps

Hire a photographer. It simple. Post on facebook that you are looking for a local amateur photographer to take some photos of you and your team. See what they are charge or offer them what you are willing to pay. It will be a fairly low investment if you find the right person.

It doesn't have to be this like crazy professional wedding photographer that charges and arm and a leg for photos. Let them know you are just looking for something simple.

Photos can includes...

  • Individual headshots
  • Team photo
  • Action shots of you and your team around the office

You are more than welcome to take the photos yourself on a smart phone if you don't have a budget for this, but I feel it's a well worth investment to get someone who has experience. 

but getting some pictures of your team, of you

Adding these to your website with it because it's going to help you stand out from all your competitors with boring stock photos that are seen everywhere. People want to know who they are talking to and knowing that you are going to do what is best for them and their loved one.  


Do you want to learn how so many people just like you are getting incredible results on social media?

Then you've got to check out my brand new free training Social Media Success, where you're gonna learn the five biggest mistakes home care business owners are making and how you can avoid them.

All you got to do is go to www.TheDigitalChamps.com/social and start watching today!


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