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5 Key Principles of Success I Learned From 5 Years In Business

Jul 23, 2024

Episode Review

Hi, my name is Nick Bonitatibus, and welcome to today's episode of Let's Grow Together. Today, we’re diving into the five keys to success that I've learned from being in business for five years. As we celebrate this milestone, I've been reflecting on my journey and all the lessons learned along the way.

I still remember when I first started out, goofing around making funny videos at home. I wasn't creating educational content back then; I was just learning video basics. So much has changed since then. Now, looking back, there was a lot of uncertainty and fear when I began. I was young, and I had to overcome limiting beliefs about my identity. I had to shed the layers of self-doubt that told me I was too young or just a kid.

For anyone listening, I encourage you to consider what limiting beliefs might be holding you back. Often, we don't take action because we believe we can't. Shedding these beliefs can open up amazing opportunities.

One pivotal moment in my journey happened about a year into the business. I had recently moved to San Diego and was struggling. During COVID, things were tough, and I found myself looking at job listings online. At that moment, something shifted. I decided that plan B wasn't an option. I was going to figure it out, no matter what. That decision to burn the ships and fully commit was a game-changer.

Now, let's dive into the five keys to success:

  1. Never Stop Growing and Learning

    This principle is the foundation of my approach. The tagline “Let’s Grow Together” embodies this mindset. I continually seek ways to improve myself and my business. Early on, I realized that just selling courses wasn't enough; I had to focus on what would drive real results for my clients. This meant constantly evolving and adapting my offerings to better serve them. Remember, work harder on yourself than you do on your business. Always be on the lookout for areas to improve and invest time in personal development.
  2. Investing in Relationships and Experts

    From the start, I invested in coaching and course programs. One of the most impactful was Business by Design by James Wedmore, which helped me launch my first webinar and course. This investment not only provided knowledge but also connected me with like-minded individuals. Building a network of people with similar goals has been crucial. Surround yourself with people who inspire and push you to be better. Attend events, join groups, and invest in relationships that support your growth.
  3. Discipline and Consistency

    Success often comes down to showing up consistently, even when it's tough. Discipline is about making the right choices repeatedly. For me, staying consistent in my physical health routines has been vital. It’s not just about building physical strength but also about mental discipline. In business, this means consistently creating content, even when it seems like no one is watching. My YouTube channel is a testament to this. One video can make a huge impact, but it’s the consistent effort behind it that truly counts.
  4. Vision and Clarity

    Having a clear vision of what you want to achieve is crucial. This clarity helps you make better decisions and stay focused. Knowing what to say yes and no to can make all the difference. I’ve turned down opportunities that didn’t align with my goals, even if they seemed exciting. Focus on what drives the greatest results for your business and align your actions with your vision.
  5. Gratitude

    Practicing gratitude has been a cornerstone of my journey. Celebrating wins, big or small, keeps me grounded. Starting calls with clients by sharing wins sets a positive tone. Gratitude helps you appreciate the journey and the people who support you along the way. It’s about finding joy in the process and staying optimistic, even during tough times.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I am so grateful for all the support I've received. Remember, success is a journey we can’t do alone. Surround yourself with amazing people, and let’s grow together!



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